Monday, July 7, 2008

The Interpretation of Polls

CNNMoney is reporting here that their latest opinion polls suggest 3 in four Americans believe that the economy is in recession. Besides the 'duh' factor that goes along with such a headline, I almost laughed when they continued to compare the 75% statistic with the 79% result that they got in a an April poll with the same questions. You guessed it, the article is positive wherein they suggest that the drop of 4% is a good sign of ...something.

Why is this laughable? Well, first off, this is an opinion poll and doesn't actually represent anything about the current state of the economy. Moreover, a drop of 4% in public opinion could be nothing more than an anomaly - especially a differential of only 4%! I do understand that the media is working its spin doctors to turn absolutely every bit of news into a positive headline, but this is getting to be a little ridiculous. Almost every business leader has not only been referring to the current recession as a given, but has gone on to suggest that we're in it for the long haul. 

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