Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blame Everyone. Accept No Blame.

I find this almost funny at this point; comical, really. Moody's, who suggested that their triple-A ratings collateralized-debt obligations (CDOs) may have been incorrectly assigned due to a computer error is now ousting some employees along with an announcement that some may have violated internal policies to award unwarranted investment-grade ratings on constant-proportion debt obligations (CPDOs). Moody's has suffered a substantial hit to its credibility, to be sure, but do such tactics really work to reverse public opinion?

The media holds a very influential position in that it is often able to sway opinions in the general public. In this case, however, you're talking about a very specialized group with an intimate understanding of the companies involved and the business of credit ratings. Does media rhetoric really affect the opinions of investors who understand enough to question Moody's credibility in the first place?

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