Friday, April 25, 2008

CNBC's Nobel Special Picks a Candidate!

I don't know about you, but I was surprised to see anyone, let alone a Nobel economic Laureate back a presidential candidate. I can't say that I was surprised by the choice made, it was the fact that Joseph Eugene "Joe" Stiglitz chose to voice his opinion on national television.

Don't get me wrong, it was a pleasant surprise. To hear anyone to voice an opinion of which at least some people will disapprove is refreshing. No one ever seems to want to make a stand and you somehow never thing think that someone in such an esteemed position would want to pigeon-hole himself as even Democrat or Republican. 

On the other hand, maybe it's the fact that it was on CNBC that really surprised me. I suppose that I should be surprised by someone picking a candidate; this happens daily these days. Besides Cramer, you don't see too many people taking a stand on any financial security - no one wants to be proven wrong one-week later.

I suppose it's really the venue that got me and not so much what was said. In hindsight, I suppose that I'm surprised whenever I hear of anyone taking a firm stand on anything on CNBC. Everyone is too concerned with covering their ass and protecting their [ego] reputation.

To Joe, way to go! :)

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